
Using our imagination to see the world from someone else’s perspective is an exercise in learning how to love our neighbors well. This week, we invite you to join Becky Owens as we imagine what it is like to be a visitor coming to church for the first time: 

Imagine rarely going to church and making an appearance once or twice a year.

Imagine being someone who was desperately seeking a deeper understanding of God in high school… only to be alienated by Christians through gossip and condemnation.

Imagine yourself, years later, being lost in the dark chaos of mid-life, surrounded by grief and addiction with no end in sight.

Then, imagine finding hope and love in the acceptance of where you are in life, No Matter What!

Imagine being welcomed in to learn about God through this loving guidance and teaching which is always evident by a joyful congregation.

Imagine finally accepting and surrendering to this new understanding of God and allowing peace and serenity into your life.

Imagine if this new student could one day become the teacher of this new understanding and appreciation.

Imagine if we, as a church family, can continue to create space for more and more people to find what I and so many others have found—a place gather, belong, and get to know God.

Nolan Huber